Popular Addons in Xanax build: Monster Munch, Exodus Redux, Deceit, Yoda, Supremacy, Maverick TV, Deathstar, Rising Tides, Death Streams, Redemption and many more.
Categories in Xanax Kodi Build: Addons, Movies, TV Shows, Family, Sportz TV, Paid TV, Free TV, Sports, Music, APK’s, Misc and Systems
How to Install Xanax Build on Kodi?#
Xanax is a third-party build and you need to enable unknown source on Kodi. To enable this, navigate to the Settings -> System -> Addons -> Unknown Source -> Turn On -> Yes. After enabling the unknown source, follow these steps to install Xanax Build on Kodi 18.2 Leia and older versions.
#1: On the home page of the Kodi, click the gear icon located on the top right menu corner.
#2: On the settings page, click File Manager.
#3: Double-click Add source menu.
#4: Click .
#5: Type the following source URL without any error and click OK.
Source URL: http://xanaxrepo.com/repo/
#6: Enter a name for your source and click OK.
#7: Get back to the home screen and select Addons.
#8: Click Module icon located on the menu bar.
#9: Click Install from Zip File.
#10: Select the source that you added before.
#11: Click the Zip file which named as Xanax-repo.zip.
#12: The Xanax repository will be installed on your Kodi. A confirmation message will appear on the top right corner of the screen.
#13: Now, click Install from Repository.
#14: Select the Xanax Repository that you installed.
#15: Click Program Addons.
#16: Select Xanax Wizard.
#17: Click Install to download Xanax Wizard.
#18: After installing Xanax Wizard, a dialogue box will appear on the screen. Click Continue -> Ignore to proceed further.
#19: Now, launch the Wizard by clicking Addons on the home page -> Program Addons -> Xanax Wizard.
#20: Click (Xanax Wizard) Builds.
#21: Click Xanax 18 Host 1 (v2.1). If you had error while downloading the build, try out another host.
(NOTE: For Krypton users, scroll down and select the Xanax 18 Host 1 (v2.1) under the Krypton builds menu.)
#22: Click Xanax Wizard (Fresh Install).
(NOTE: Click Standard Install if you want to keep the existing Kodi addons)
#23: Kodi will ask you to restore its settings to factory default. Click Continue to proceed further.
#24: Wait for the downloading process to complete.
#25: After download, the Xanax build will be installed automatically. You don’t need to perform any action.
#26: After installation, Force close the Kodi app and restart it to use the Xanax Build.
Final Thoughts#
These are the steps required to install Xanax Build on Kodi 18.2 Leia and 17 Krypton. Even though it is a moderately sized build, it works smoothly on all Kodi devices including Firestick. Try this build on your device and share your feedback below.
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